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Your data safe

Your members’ data is valuable. And what is valuable deserves good protection. Read how we do it.

Safe development

We develop Yunits in accordance with OWASP security measures. These measures prevent unauthorised access (or access to protected information). An independent third party tests this security annually by means of a greybox pen test.

Confidentiality and integrity

Yard is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified. This means that we have mapped our information processes, taken appropriate security measures and are periodically tested on these.

Server access and location

We use True as our hosting provider. Our servers are part of the True infrastructure and are hosted in the EU. Read more about True’s security management.


Users log in with an e-mail address and a self-chosen password that must meet strength requirements. We store passwords encrypted.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) optional

Add an extra layer of security to your login process using Two-factor Authentication (2FA). Once you enable 2FA, each user must provide a second piece of information (besides email address and password) to log in.

Single Sign-On (SSO) optional

Single Sign-On (SSO) gives your organisation a uniform and secure way to log in. We use SAML 2.0, an industry standard to ensure you can easily integrate two providers. This allows your participants to log into Yunits from a selected SSO provider without using a separate username and password.

Authentication protocols

Besides securing user accounts, it is also possible to set up authentication protocols. This requires new accounts to be approved for activation by an authority (an administrator). It is also possible to allow only e-mail addresses from a certain chitelisted domain or use invite-only access.


Every 24 hours, we take automatic snapshots of the database. We keep them for 2 weeks. Everything is backed up in real time to make sure the data is safe.

24/7 monitoring

Your web platform is closely monitored 24/7. Every 3 minutes, we perform an availability check. If something happens, we know immediately and can react.

99.7% uptime

Yunits guarantees an uptime of at least 99.7%. Most adjustments to the production environment do not require system downtime. If downtime does prove necessary, we try to schedule it outside office hours. We will let you know at least a week in advance.

Monitoring hacked accounts

We do everything we can to protect your data. To be absolutely sure that your data have not been hacked, your accounts are checked by the online service https://haveibeenpwned.com. It maintains databases of hacked accounts.

We are ready to help you


Our support team assists administrators with questions and problems. We can be reached every working day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. via 030 234 10 20 or info@yunits.nl.


Get the most out of your platform with our webinars, training sessions and live demos. Or check out our blogs for more information and tips!

Advice and guidance

Your Yunits advisor is your first point of contact. We will help you set up your platform successfully and guide you in community management.