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From Broadcasting to Facilitating: The Changing Role of Associations [1/5]

The digital landscape for industry or professional associations is changing rapidly. This is because members have new needs and expectations from their association. How do you respond to this and make your association grow digitally? Mathijs Vleeming and Dennis van Aalst from Yard Digital Agency have developed the ‘Digital Service & Communication Model for Associations.’ This model provides insight into where your association stands digitally and where the growth potential lies. In this blog series, Mathijs and Dennis will guide you through this model and offer numerous tips for a thriving digital association.

By: Mathijs Vleeming & Dennis van Aalst, Yard | Digital Agency

Dennis van Aalst en Mathijs Vleeming op het Brussels International Association Forum (BIAF)2023
Dennis van Aalst and Mathijs Vleeming at the Brussels International Association Forum (BIAF) 2023

Big Differences

Associations vary greatly in terms of their level of digitalization. We conducted a small-scale study among 13 larger Dutch industry and professional associations. It shows that more than half of these associations do not have a long-term strategy (>3 years) that includes a mix of offline and online channels.

Associations particularly struggle with increasing member engagement. They also want to know how to better share the existing knoeide within the association.

At the same time, we increasingly see associations successfully using digital tools to facilitate digital communication, member interaction, and services. We observe this in our work with over 50 associations at Yard | Digital Agency, in our network, the training sessions we conduct with DNA, and during our interactions with international associations, such as at the Brussels International Association Forum (BIAF).

What does this trend look like? What do these success stories have in common? Based on our knowledge and insights, we at Yard have developed the ‘Digital Service & Communication Model for Associations.’

Europese verenigingen tijdens de workshop over digitale community’s voor verenigingen tijdens het Brussels International Association Forum (BIAF)2023
European associations during the workshop on digital communities for associations at the Brussels International Association Forum (BIAF) 2023

Digital Service & Communication Model for Associations

The ‘Digital Service & Communication Model for Associations’ provides insight into how advanced an association is in terms of digitalization. With the accompanying digital scan for associations, you can quickly see where your association stands and where the growth potential lies. The model uses the evolving role of the association as its starting point: from the traditional broadcasting, top-down association, through the listening, democratic association, to the ‘association of the future’. This is the facilitating, bottom-up association. By applying this classification to different aspects of the association, you gain insight into where your association stands and how you can enhance its impact together with your members. Because that’s ultimately what it’s all about.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Next steps

In the coming weeks, we will cover the various aspects of the model. We will discuss both theory and practice, providing numerous examples. Along the way, you’ll receive many tips on how to help your association thrive.

Next time: Knowledge sharing and the changing role of associations. Your association is full of knowledge. How can you share it more effectively?

About the Authors

Mathijs believes that associations can increase their impact by connecting their members throughout the year and facilitating knowledge sharing. He draws on his 20 years of experience in the “heart of the world of professional community builders,” specifically in the international meetings industry for association conferences and events at the International Congress and Convention Association, where he was Director of Marketing.

For over 3 years, Mathijs has worked as a community strategist and consultant. In this role, he helps associations and other organizations create online community strategies. He does this at Yard Digital Agency, the market leader in digital communication and community solutions for associations and public organizations in the Netherlands.

Mathijs wrote an eBook with input from associations and community leaders titled “The Association Community Compendium: How to Harness the Collective Power of Your Members.” He is also a board member of the Community Consultants Collective and a contributing expert for Association Meetings International.

Mathijs Vleeming
Dennis van Aalst

Dennis believes in the power of digital. With passion, he and his motivated colleagues support social organizations in achieving digital impact. Dennis is an experienced online strategist within the association sector. [Can you provide evidence of this and share more about your experience with associations?] Due to his in-depth knowledge of associations, he serves as a sparring partner and advisor for associations looking to grow digitally.

Together with the KNVB and Yard | Digital Agency, Dennis won the Dutch Interactive Award (DIA) 2021 in the category of communities. They won this award for the platform Eén tweetje, for which Dennis developed the strategy in collaboration with the KNVB [is this correct?]. “The community represents a game changer in the way the KNVB communicates,” according to the jury. “A shift from top-down to peer-to-peer.”

Additionally, Dennis is a trainer in digital communities at De Nederlandse Associatie (DNA). Through open and in-company workshops, he helps industry and professional associations discover the value of an online community. He also guides them in launching an online community and fostering interaction and engagement within the community.

Watch: Case Study TVVL

TVVL is the largest association of professionals in installation technology. How does this association use digital possibilities to connect its members and exchange knowledge? John Lens, Director of TVVL, talks about it with Mathijs Vleeming and Dennis van Aalst.

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